Sermons on Printable Handouts

The Schizophrenia Revelation – Part Two

Frank Hammond, author of “Pigs in the Parlor,” explains how he and his wife, Ida Mae, received this revelation from the Lord and what it means. We offer many of the late Pastor Frank’s resources in the Agape Bible Bookroom at Image scans courtesy of      

The Schizophrenia Revelation – Part One

Frank Hammond, author of “Pigs in the Parlor,” explains how he and his wife, Ida Mae, received this revelation from the Lord and what it means. We offer many of the late Pastor Frank’s resources in the Agape Bible Bookroom at Image scans courtesy of       

A Prayer Against Witchcraft

A PRAYER CLOSING DOORS AGAINST WITCHCRAFT IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, my Lord and Savior, I bind all principalities, powers in the air, wickedness in high places, thrones, dominions, world rulers, and strongmen over and within ________________________ (person prayed for). I BIND ANY & ALL witchcraft control, mind blinding spirits, spirits that block and/or…

Why Deliverance?

WHY DELIVERANCE? THE NEED AND IMPORTANCE OF THE DELIVERANCE MINISTRY 1. BECAUSE IT VALIDATES GOD’S WORD. It proves the veracity and power of the Word today. Lk. 4:18-21 (“to preach deliverance to the captives…to set at liberty them that are bruised…this day is this Scripture fulfilled” AND the fulfillment of Isa. 61:1,2.) Mt. 8:16,17 (“He…